A quick look into Cat Scratch disease

Cat Scratch disease | Symptoms | Risk Factors

Cat-scratch disease (CSD) or felinosis is an infectious disease that occurs after a scratch or bite of a cat. Typical Symptoms include a non-painful bump or blister at the site of injury and painful and swollen lymph nodes. People may feel tired, have a headache, or a fever.

Cat Scratch disease
Cat Scratch disease

It is a bacterial infection. When cats get infection from Bartonella henselae bacteria they travel this infection to human. In USA 500 people admit in hospital each year. It is due to increase adoptions of cats.


This disease is caused by bite of infected cat to human. Flea and tick carry bacteria to travel this disease. Infected human can not spread this disease to another human.


Those who owns cat are at risk to get this infection. It is common in USA. Those one who have weak immune system can get this disease. Pregnant women, diabetic patient, HIV or AIDS patients and cancer patients can get this disease.

Symptoms in cats

Those cats who carry B. henselae do not get sick commonly. It is not analyzed if cats are carriers.

Symptoms in humans

Human get blister or bump at bite site, fatigue, aches in body, low-grade fever, headaches, chills, loss of appetite, sore throat, joint pain, abdominal pain and rash.


Doctors perform physical examination. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) blood test is performed by doctors to see B. henselae bacteria in human body.


Bacteria is spread to brain and causes encephalopathy and results in permanent damaging to brain. Neuroretinitis causes blurred vision and inflames retina and optic nerve. Infection in bones causes osteomyelitis. It also cause parinaud oculoglandular syndrome.


This infection is not serious that’s why treatment is not required. To decrease lymph node volume Azithromycin is used. Ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, rifampin are also used.


Avoid bitten and rough play with cat. Keep trimmed nails. After playing with cats people should wash their hands. Prevent eyes and mouth from cats to lick.

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