Pros and Cons of Turmeric use in Animals

Turmeric Use in Animals (Dogs and Cats)

Curcumin (derived from turmeric) :

It's yellow color compound . Its derived from Curcuma Longa (turmeric) .

It's multi-targeting compound . It has vast range of putative and therapeutic characteristics of antioxidant, anti inflammatory , anti-aging , antidiabetic , antimicrobial , antiviral , anti depressent , heals wound , anti-atherosclerotic , memory enhancing , anti cancer compound.

Anti-cancer properties of Turmeric
Turmeric has anti-cancer properties

Cancer cell division

When DNA is damaged then it gets abnormalities in cell cycle .In normal cells there's cell death for regeneration of new cells but in cancer cells there's no regular apoptosis .

P53 role :

It regulated genes and cells. For any DNA damaging it repairs cell by apoptosis of damaged cells .

Curcumin as anticancer :

It regulates increased and decreased level of enzymes, it regulates transcription factors , it regulates inflammatory cytokines amount , it regulates growth factors which changing level can cause cancer

Curcumin with nanoparticle

There's poor absorption of curcumin if not take with nanoparticle , and if conjugated with other drugs then can not go to Target area with full amount but with nano particle there's more and more absorption and more and more metabolism .

Why nano medicine ?

Because there's more absorption , it increases permeability . It has large surface area for traveling . It has great affinity towards target area .

Chemotherapy vs Nano medicine

Chemotherapy has less biotransformation , more side effects , more time taking to complete the process, more chances to damage healthy cells , not easily escape from liver and spleen and it has less excretion whereas nano medicine has more bioavailability , less side effects , fast acting in body , less chance to damage healthy cells , it can easily escape from liver , it has more excretion

Curcumin for different cancers

In leukemia it decreases Cyclin D and NF-kB cell division , in breast cancer it lowers LOX , MMP-9 pathway and metastasis . In colon cancer it decreases COX-2- mediated cell renewal . In lung cancer it decreases FPTase , NAT controlled growth factors . In Cervical cancer it decreases Ets-1 production and proliferation . In oral cancer it decreases COX-2- mediated cell renewal . In lymphoma it decrease JAK-STAT tyrosine K- mediated cell division . In prostatic cancer it decreases Akt- mediated pathway . In pancreatic cancer it decreases COX-2- mediated cell renewal . In melanoma it decreases JAK- STAT, tyrosine K- mediated cell division .


Nrf2 activation :

Curcumin stimulates Nrf2 . It makes transcription of genes that are involved in management of stress and oxidation . PhIP and h2o2 causes increment of ROS generation . Curcumin phosphorylate and translocation Nrf2 into nucleus in this way blocks ROS generation .

Inactivation of VEPG , AKT and PI3K

Curcumin targets VEPG , AKT and PI3K then it will not allow expression of bcl2 and bax genes. It will block tumor cell proliferation .

Activates P53

Curcumin activates P53 which master regulator gene for controlling many other genes . P53 then further regulated p21 which is arrested in G1 cell cycle . It regulates GADD45 which is important for repairing DNA.  P53 also regulates APO-1 for apoptosis and controls BAI1 for not angiogenesis .

Induces Caspase Activation :

Curcumin induces activation of Caspase . It's further activates beta cantenin pathway for retarding cell growth and proliferation .

Curcumin modifies histone :

Curcumin reduces histone acetylation and p-300/ HAT activity preventing from cancer.  Curcumin also reduces activity of HDACs.

Downregulation of oncogenic miRNAs

Curcumin descrease level of oncogenic microRNAs like miR-19 a, b , miR-21 , miR-27 , miR-130 a , mi R -186 . It leads to modulating downstream targets to inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis .

Inhibition of NF-kb pathway

It is inhibited by nanocurcumin treatment . Curcumin blocks phosphorylation of IkB and degradation of ubiquitin proteosome . When NF- kB translocation inside nucleus decreases , it inhibits cancer promoting factors .

Curcumin effect on inflammatory cytokines :

Cancer development and proliferation is induced by chronic inflammation . Inflammatory cytokines enhances cancer increment and development by giving growth factors and binding mononuclear cells to cancer site . Angiogenesis also occur in cancer progression.  CXCL1 promotes migration of breast cancer cells . CXCL 1 and CXCL2 are targeted by curcumin . Curcumin blocks stimulation of JAK and decreasing IL-6 mediated cytokine signaling pathway and it blocks phosphorylating and activating STAT3 . STAT3 leads to migration , invasion and angiogenesis 

Dose :

Nanocurcumin effective weight can be 400 mg or sometimes 500 mg for cancer . It's taken for 5 or 7 days for treatment .

Route of Administration :

It can be administered orally.

Absorption and Elimination

Curcumin absorbs in blood mostly 73% and 90% . And goes to target area in maximum amount by help of nanoparticle encapsulation . According to drug databank curcumin is eliminated as biliary excretion or in feces . Elimination can be 40 % , 30 % or sometimes 11% .

Side effects :

Nano curcumin can cause weakness  . It's inhalation can be dangerous . It can cause lung inflammation . Pregnant animals are not allowed to intake nanocurcumin.

Conclusion :

Nanotechnology usage increasing day by day . This is good source for applying in cancer therapeutics . Curcumin with nanoparticle is best for targeting cancer . It's more economical.  It's more effective treatment . Nanocurcumin is future medicine .

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