Protein-protein interactions in animals

Protein protein interactions in animals

What is Protein-Protein Interaction?

Protein-protein interaction networks (PPIN) are mathematical representations of the physical contacts between proteins in the cell. These contacts: are specific. occur between defined binding regions in the proteins. have a particular biological meaning (i.e., they serve a specific function).

What are the different types of protein-protein interactions?

Protein-protein relationships are often the result of multiple types of interactions or are deduced from different approaches, including co-localization, direct interaction, suppressive genetic interaction, additive genetic interaction, physical association, and other associations.

What is the importance of Protein-Protein Interaction?

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) participate in all important biological processes in living organisms, such as catalyzing metabolic reactions, DNA replication, DNA transcription, responding to stimuli and transporting molecules from one location to another.

How do you identify protein protein interactions?

The in vitro methods in PPI detection are tandem affinity purification, affinity chromatography, coimmunoprecipitation, protein arrays, protein fragment complementation, phage display, X-ray crystallography, and NMR spectroscopy.

What do interactions between proteins depend on?

Not all possible interactions will occur in any cell at any time. Instead, interactions depend on cell type, cell cycle phase and state, developmental stage, environmental conditions, protein modifications (e.g., phosphorylation), presence of cofactors, and presence of other binding partners.

How do proteins interact with DNA?

Proteins interact with DNA through electrostatic interactions (salt bridges), dipolar interactions (hydrogen bonding, H-bonds), entropic effects (hydrophobic interactions) and dispersion forces (base stacking).

What proteins interact with DNA?

In case of sequence specific DNA protein interactions, a DNA binding protein binds to a DNA on a site having a specific nucleotide sequence. But in case of sequence non specific DNA protein interactions, the DNA binding protein can bind to a DNA in a random position on the DNA.

Protein–protein interaction in animals
protein-protein interactions in animals

Protein protein interactions describe important function in biological processes.It explains new insights. Proteins can interact in transient manner. Proteins interact with other proteins in stable way to produce complexes which are important for molecular machinery . Assembly of protein complex can form homo-oligomeric or heteroligomeric complexes . In electron transfer of proteins, residues play role because of protein protein interaction . Spatial and temporal aspects of interactions uncover the generic organization. Cellular protein interaction is in current process.

Protein protein interaction reveals signal transduction of cell . Function of cell is regulated by extra cellular signals . It performs function in many biological processes and diseases such as cancer .

Protein protein interaction shows cell metabolism for producing small and larger molecules . Muscle contraction physiology is due to protein protein interaction . Skeletal muscle lipid droplet related protein family linked with other proteins for regulating lipolysis in skeletal muscle . Protein protein interaction can be used to analyze uncharacterized protein, function of signaling pathways clearly and characterize relationship that make multi- molecular complexes . They are specific, found between binding regions of proteins and have important function to know specially cancer . In protein complexes of ribosomes and hemoglobin stable interactions are formed . Many studies have confirmed that dynamics and structural studies of protein network are important to understand cancer and autoimmune disease .

Nodes also known as hub have very high degree of connectivity. Power law distribution are applied in protein -protein interaction network . To identify novel pathways can be revealed by protein networking. It was found that cancer encodes highly connected proteins which are known as 'hubs'.

 It is confirmed that PPI networks can differentiate healthy and disease state of proteins.

This article is being updated as we gather new information . Keep visiting this page for more information.

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