Why does my cat bite me? Cat biting instinct

Why does my cat bite me?

Most cat owners daily search and ask Why does my cat bite me? If you are also among those cat owners, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will look at pet cats biting behavior.

There are many cat issues that are asked about cats but the most repeated question remains the same which is cats biting behavior. Biting is considered recurrent behavior of cats. Cats grooming, disliking, fear, stress, and signaling something wrong might be the causes of cat biting.

Cat owners can recognize different kinds of bites their kitten or cat has. Some bites may be minor, some may be licking your body parts rather than biting, and some are quarrelsome. All the different types of bites depend on your cat's situation, which she is trying to reveal.

Why does my cat bite me? Cat biting instinct.

Reasons for cats biting behavior

There are many factors that make your cat or kitten bite you. Some of them are given below with their brief description. Let's have a look.

1. For getting attention
Domestic cats and kittens which are attached to their owners and the environment of the house often bite their owners. This may be because they are not given much attention by their owners. Like humans animals also need attention from their close ones or family members. And in the case of your cat or kitten, you are their family member. This attention includes playing, feeding, or petting them.

2. Fear of something
Cats usually don't like changes. So the sudden change of residence, the addition of a new cat or pet in the house, the arrival of guests, or the visit of some relatives can surely cause anxiety and fear in your cat. When they are frightened they don't want to interact with anyone, it seems like they are trying to run away from the situation or the place. And when they can't manage an escape they become aggressive. Anyone approaching the cat then will be in danger of being bitten.
Whenever you notice such kind of behavior from your feline, you must try to please her by doing things she likes. A treat of favorite food might help comfort your cat. If you try to interact during this situation with your cat, you will definitely be at risk of a cat bite. Owners with any change in cat routine might have understood the question (Why does my cat bite me ?)

3. Absence of kitten toys
In their kittenhood, cats need toys to play with. If they are not provided, they began to play with the owner's hand and other body parts. And the repetition of this act builds the permanent behavior of cats in the future. When they play with their hands and feet, they bite often. So we can say the unavailability of toys can be a reason for cat bitting.

4. Natural instinct of cats
Cats are predators by nature. They have an inborn urge to hunt. Kittens need to play and hone their hunting skills, so for this purpose, they should be provided toys. As they are not allowed to leave the house nor play and hunt in open. So they will definitely try to find replacements in the house. Yes, you got the point. They will try to play and bite your body parts. Young cats are more likely to do such acts.
This act must be condemned from kittenhood otherwise it would be a habit in the future. Younger cats are much easier to train not to bite as compared to fully grown ones. After a cat or kitten stops biting you, you must praise and give a treat to the cat for outstanding behavior. This will make a nice change in the future.

5. For showing affection
Some cats show their love for their owners by biting them. Cats often bite other cats for showing their affection for them. Doing this with their owner is a sign that cats consider them their family members. It looks cute but must be condemned by making an ouch sound and moving away from the cat. This will help her learn not to bite again.

6. Not all cats like to be petted
People generally know that cats are cuddly creatures and like to be petted. But this view is not correct at all. Some cats like to be petted, others don't. The same is the case for all cats that are not cuddly. When cats don't like to be petted and still someone tries to do so then they bite in order to tell their dislikening. Cats' body language can tell a lot about their next move. Observing carefully their body language can help avoid them when they are aggressive. If your cat becomes aggressive after being petted, don't do that again till she gets comfortable being cuddly by herself.

7. Inappropriate petting
It's true that some cats like to be petted, but only in the right spots. Cat owners can well explain their experience of sudden changes in their cat's moods from sweet to dangerous while petting. Cats like to be petted, but it depends individually. Most cats like to be petted in the head and neck areas whereas they will become aggressive on touching the tail or belly. So we can say inappropriate touch can be a cause of cat biting. If your cat doesn't like being petted somewhere, note her body language and stop doing it.

8. Your cat might be ill
Normal healthy cats remain calm and show sweet behavior but a cat facing a problem has several mood swings just like humans. If a cat or kitten is ill or has some problem, she will become aggressive and will surely bite anyone who comes near or try to handle her. In that case, the bite might be severe because of the depressed condition of the cat. A veterinarian must be contacted as soon as possible to avoid any harm to your cat or yourself.

9. Disturbing the cat too often
Disturbing your cat too often can make your cat aggressive. Just like humans when they are teased or disturbed, they will become angry. The same is the case with cats,.For example, your cat is sleeping and you think your cat sleeps a lot and you try to wake her up but in return, you get cat bites and scratches on your hands. Avoid disturbing your cat without any reason for the sake of preventing cat bites.

Are cat bites dangerous?

If someone is asking a question(why does my cat bite me ?), he/she might also have a question( Are these cat bites dangerous ?).
Yes, Cat bites can be harmful. About one-third of a cat bite, victims need instant hospitalization. Kitten bites are not much dangerous as compared to fully grown cat bites. Many diseases like rabies, cat scratch disease, and tetanus are likely to be spread by cat bites. The rate of spread of these diseases is less among vaccinated cats as compared to non-vaccinated ones.

Conclusion :

The answer to the question why does my cat bites me? is well explained in the above article. Concluding it, Cats often bite because of stress, anxiety, fear, depression, to show affection, for getting attention, illness, or a sudden change in environment. All kinds of cat bites can be avoided by observing the body language of your cat. Cat bites are dangerous so your cat or kitten must be trained from kittenhood not to bite.

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